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FAQ Sponsors

What does it mean, to take over a sponsorship for the project "Vienna-Sri Lanka Charity Home for Children"?

You are supporting a private initiative, whose target is to start a small project. We, the families of Ravindra Rupasena and Lisa Natterer, want to offer a new home to some children, who have lost their families in the Tsunami desaster, which hit Sri Lanka so badly. For the start we think of five, six children but want to enlarge the group in case the circumstances allow us to do so. We want to have children of all the ethnic groups existing in Sri Lanka: Singhalese, Tamiles, Moors, Burghers, Anglo-Ceylonese and Malays.
Taking over a sponsorship helps us to start this project and keep it going.

What are the costs of a sponsorship?

It costs € 20,- per month.

How do I know, what happens to my money?

Each person donating money or taking over a sponsorship will receive a periodical newsletter, which will report on the progress of the project. Later we shall be able to supply also photos of the house, the house-mother, surroundings and of course of the children. Further all details on the children's history as far as we will be able to find them out .

How long does a sponsorship last?

We kindly ask you to take over a sponsorship for a minimum period of six months but will be happy, if you are willing to stay with us for a long time.
In case your personal situation does not allow you to proceed with your sponsorship, please let us know two months in advance enabling us to find a substitute:
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What do I have to do to become a sponsor?

Just fill in the form "Sponsorship"-form, send it to us and inform your bank about the future money withdrawal from your account.
€ 20,- per month should be sent in advance to our account.

Who knows, that I am a sponsor?

Generally spoken: just you and we. But in case, you tick the referring questions for being present on our "List of Donators/List of Sponsors" on our home page.

In case more information is needed, please send us an e-mail or just give us a call.