Report 2015
Project in Batticaloa
In 2010 we began the Batticaloa project to help 6 underprivileged children.
As you may already know Aranie Arasarathnam a bright medical student whom we supported for many years successfully passed her final exams and became a doctor. We are thrilled to inform that Aranie is now a General Practitioner at the Batticaloa Teaching Hospital and happily married (also to a Doctor).
Aranie was also acting as our coordinator in Batticaloa however now that she is a practising doctor she is unable to assist as a coordinator any further. Therefore regrettably we have had to discontinue our project in Batticaloa since we have not been able to find someone suitable to act as coordinator.
Project in Ampara
Gayan completed his certificate of marketing and obtained his first post as a Banking Assistant in DFCC Bank, Ampara. We were obviously thrilled to find that another student we helped achieved success in life; we have attached a personal letter sent by Gayan to the charity thanking and conveying his gratitude for all the support he has obtained.
Four children Lakmal, Buddika, Naveen and Niluksha also sat for their GCE A/L examinations at the end of 2014. Now they are engaged in various vocational courses in Information Technology and Management Studies.
Vimukthi joined the Ceylon Electricity Board as a trainee electrician; he is now a full time employee within the CEB. It was possible to make a significant difference in Vimukthi’s life thanks to the VSEFC.
Kalpani, another student we were supporting made the decision to discontinue her studies to help look after her mother (who is suffering from paralysis) and work in her family farms; we wish her the best for her future.
Rashmi is continuing with her studies.
Project in Divulapitiya
The 6 children we are supporting in Divulapitiya continue to excel in their studies and extracurricular activities and we are in regular contact with them.
Our Children from Colombo
Dilki, Mandi and Malsha DilaniColombo Children539.44 KB
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